Saturday, August 22, 2015

Tea Baby Girl ShowerI h

I have this amazing woman in my life... she deserves so much so why not treat her like a Queen to a tea party for her soon-to-be little princess. 
 Decorations: Backdrop: a plastic tablecloth with crepe paper, and homemade tissue paper pompom balls. Used mason jar for water glasses. Found tableware and favor bags at local dollar tree.
Party favor was made to look like a rattle. It is a chocolate dipped big marshmallow with sprinkles and a bow. A small marshmallow was at the bottom of the stick.

Mario Kart 5th Birthday

 My decorations were homemade just using markers and colored poster board from the Dollar Tree. I also used balloons and crepe paper to add color. I bought some checker flags from Oriental Trading Company along with the table cloth. For coins I used yellow plastic plates and put a rectangle for the coin effect. I of course got some ideas from amazing people on Pinterest. 

The  cake was homemade using Wilton black sugar sheet and store bought Mario Kart toys. Cupcakes were sore bought with homemade cupcake picks.

Party Favors... I put in a snack size baggie with a homemade topper. I bought a Wii controller chocolate mold and used Wilton melting chocolate.

It's Been Forever

My intention was to stay up on this... not just to boast or brag, but for sharing in my experiences and reflection on the work that brings me happiness. :) So let's try this again...