Monday, May 28, 2012

Cars 2

This became the result of Parker's Cars 2 party. I think my son decides to pick the themes when it is not all out yet or has yet to become readily available so I get to improvise. My original plan was just to do tons of cake pops, but I quickly realized that how is that a birthday party to a four year old? Ha! You have to have a cake for them to at least blow the candles out. Needless to say, we ended up with lots o' cake pops and a regular sized cake. 

First the cake pops... actually made from the cake pop maker. My husband will say the "real" cake pops are better, which most agree with. However, when you have so many people and are looking for some way to make it easier on yourself, you get to have the cake pop maker. I used the BabyCakes Cake Pop Maker purchased at Kohl's. Flavors included chocolate and vanilla bean- boxed cake mixes. Works perfectly in the maker! The pops are covered in Wilton chocolate and vanilla melting chocolate that you can likely get at an craft store that carries cake making products. My choice was Michael's Craft store or Hobby Lobby. 

The cake! Flavors was half chocolate and half vanilla bean with buttercream frosting. My son had enough actual cars to spare so that is what decorates the top along with flag picks found at Hobby Lobby and "WGP" rings that the lovely baker at Target's bakery willingly gave me. Again, searching for specific Cars 2 decorations was no easy task at this point. hehehe. The red squares to create a checkered kind of look came from my first experience with Wilton's newer Edible Sugar Paper Sheets

Toy Story 2

This cake was fun to make... another Toy Story party! This time I just made blocks like the playing blocks to spell out the birthday boy's name. :) Cake was actually a boxed french vanilla cake with a fudge frosting filling. The go- to frosting of choice is always homemade buttercream. You will find I am not much of a fondant lover. Not a fan of the taste. Yes, it is cleaner looking, but really when it come to value and what I value the most is the flavor of the moist cake along with the sweet, rich buttercream... who could go wrong??? Piping is done freehand. The Toy Story figures are the cardboard cutouts form the decoration packs that Wal-Mart now carries by Hallmark. The actual toys are from the Disney Store.

Toy Story 1

Parker's Toy Story Birthday Party...

Big cupcake shaped cake with homemade buttercream frosting formed from a Wilton Cupcake pan. Traditional cupcakes again with buttercream frosting. The idea came from I used Mentos mint candies with an edible writing pen for alien eyes, a chocolate chip for the mouth, and sour strings for the other alien parts. Other cupcakes have the purchased Toy Story picks.


Welcome! I have a passion for baking and a desire to bring smiles to faces and yumminess to tummies! I have a dream of one day opening a small local bakery, but for now I please where I can. I have decided to compile my baked goods into a central location. Granted it is not as advanced of many of these amazing bloggers out there- wow! However, I will do my best to present and display with my novice photography skills the work I do. Please enjoy!